Called to Serve Join the Hospitality Team! We welcome parishioners, provide bulletins, take the collection, and serve coffee and donuts after Mass. The Hospitality Team is a great way to meet folks in the parish while serving the community. For more information contact [the parish office ([email protected]) or Tom Foley ([email protected])].
Altar servers are a very important ministry that add splendor and dignity to the celebration of the Mass. Altar servers are direct helpers to Father as he offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Any child who has made his or her First Communion is eligible to serve. Interested children will be required to attend two training sessions. Information is forth coming. Servers must be available to serve the weekend Mass they are scheduled for. Please contact the parish office, (617) 547-0120 register or with any questions.Luis Leiva is our coordinator of Altar Servers and will follow up with you!
The Initiative for Palliative Care and Advance Care Planning is a recently established program of the Archdiocese of Boston. Its goal is to provide education, outreach and advocacy that will create an informed public about palliative care, a multidisciplinary approach to the care of the seriously ill which is patient-centered and family-oriented.
Year of the Eucharist in St. Mary of the Annunciation Parish I. Church (Upper Church) is open every day for private prayer from Dawn to Dusk II. Eucharistic Adoration is everyday from 4:00pm to 6:00pm in the Lower chapel